Registrar CSC e-Governance Services Ltd, Enrolment Agency CSCSPV 2017-2018


Step 1: Apply on VLE UIDAI registration form: click here 

Step 2: see System Configuration:

Desired and important documents for uidai project :
Point 1: sample verifier documents:
Point 2: New CSC uid centre checklist: 

Point 3: cscspv UID ratelist size flex of 2x3:
Point 4: UIDAi new enrolment & update form:
point 5: Engagement letter for verifier

Who is Verifier : The services of the retired government officials who are generally well acquainted with such verification procedures should be utilized by the Aadhar supervisor in case they are unable to spare serving officials for document verification. Any retired official both from Government (including Armed forces and CPMFs) and PSUs including Banks not below the rank of Group ‘C’/ class III employees may be allowed to be deployed as Verifiers.Aadhar supervisor needs to ensure that verifiers are appropriately trained before being put in the field.


 For installation the ECMPv3.3.3.3
Step1: Install ECmpv3.2
step2: create user 
step3: import master & registrar data
step4: install device driver
step5: install print aadhaar

Instalation steps for Advanced Search:

Step 1: Open Ecmp_v3.2.0.0 
Step 2: Open folder 5.AadharEnrolmentClient
Step 3: Open Installation Folder
Step 4: Install "wkhtmltopdf-installer..."
Step 5: During installation, destination folder should be "C:\UID Authority of India\wkhtmltopdf\"
Step 6: Install "vcredist.....".
Installation done....

Use " advanced print aadhar ", take fingureprint and details of resident and generated pdf file will be save here .."C:\UID Authority of India\wkhtmltopdf\" .....
copy and paste generted pdf file on another location.
Note: donot cut generated pdf file..

Requirement of UCL:

Point 1: UIDAI NSEIT Supervisor/Operator Certificate
Point 2: Win 7 Professional 32-Bit Service Pack 1. 
Point 3: Single Fingerprint Authentication Device.
Point 4: Laptop (i3) and 3-4 GB Ram, Drive C min capacity 80-100 GB.


  1. NSEIT Challan for Supervisor/Operator Exam
  2. NSEIT Exam Site for registration
  3. Certificate Search

Criteria for UIDAI Certification:
1. Age: 18 Years & above 
2. Educational Qualification -12th Pass 
3. Holder of Aadhar card is Mandatory
4. Registration site: Click Here 
5. Fee Rs. 365/- via SBI Challan 
6. Re-test fee: If candidate fails or unable to give exam on the given date for any reason Rs.200/- via SBI Challan 

*For point no. 4 above, before registration candidate must have its Photo and Signature ready for upload (The Maximum File size is 30KB and only jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png images are accepted. Please ensure that you upload a recent passport size photo of 2'x2' inches).

Note: While filling up the form:

Register ECMP

Point A: Register Aadhar Software Automatically:

Step 1: Open My Computer -> Drive C -> UID Authority of India -> Aadhar Enrolment Client -> Conf Folder then right click on Saved.dat and click on restore previous version.

Step2: A window will open and after sometime some restore points will be displayed with named saved.dat..

Step3: click on one of the restore point and click on Restore Button, then a message will displayed and aadhar will register automatically.

Point B: if there is any issue in aadhar software and not working properly.

Step1: Go to control panel -> Services -> Stop QSSITV Service

Step2: Open My Computer -> Drive C -> UID Authority of India -> Aadhar Enrolment Client. and Copy Data and Conf Folder and paste Data and Conf Folder into Drive D (or some other location)

Step 3: Unistall and Install ECMP v3.2.0.0.

Step 4: Repeat Step 1

Step5 : Now Copy Data and Conf Folder and paste it into My Computer -> Drive C -> UID Authority of India -> Aadhar Enrolment Client.

By using above process your data will not lost, machine will register and local enrolment will also done.

UIDAI Guideline

Most important instructions regarding Aadhaar services.
Point 1: Rate chart should be fixed outside and also inside your Aadhaar centre. 

Point 2: Use latest Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Form as per Aadhaar Act 2016, if you use old form then Aadhaar will be rejected. please ensure and use new Aadhaar form.

Point 3: Your aadhaar setup (layout) should be as per the attached image.

Point 4: Your Aadhaar Kit should be deployed at your registered CSC/Aadhaar Location.

Point 5: If you are going to close your Aadhaar centre due to any reason, kindly inform us immediately.

1).Your centre will be visited anytime by UIDAI/CSCSPV team, if anyone found doing malpractises or taking extra charge for Aadhaar services (New aadhaar enrolment, Aadhaar Updation and Eaadhaar printing), then your aadhar centre and OMT id will be cancelled immediately.

2).FIR will also be lodged againt the concerned VLE/Supervisor/Operator as per Aadhaar Act, 2016.


1. Rate Chart : Click Here

2. Aadhaar New Enrolment Form : Click Here
3. Aadhar Set Up or Layout : Click Here
4. Fill this Monitoring Sheet : Click Here


Kindly sign and send below documents by email :
  1.  Govt Premises letter:  click here 
  2. Your Aadhar Card
  3. Your pan card
  4. Colour photo
  5. Nseit/Sify Certificate                                 


एक टिप्पणी भेजें